Life is really tough sometimes. We’re here to help.

Your youth workers are here to listen to you and support you, whatever you’re going through. We won’t judge and we’ll work with you to find solutions that feel right for you.

We can keep most things you tell us confidential within the youth club, BUT if you tell us something that makes us concerned for your or another person’s safety, we have to pass that information on. There are laws to protect children in Scotland and we have to follow them, so we might have to speak to your parent/guardian, your school, social work or the police. We will always try and tell you what action we are going to take before we speak to anyone, as long as it is safe to do so.

If you need support or information about any of the topics below just click on the box…


Mental Health

If you or somebody else is in danger, or it feels like a situation might get dangerous and you need support right away, contact the police on 999.

If you feel like you might seriously harm yourself or attempt suicide, you need urgent medical help. Call 999 for an ambulance or go straight to A and E if you can.

You can try crisis coping tools for bad days, but it’s so important to reach out as well.

mental health crisis?

If you are struggling with your mental health, there are trained people ready to listen to you talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You are never alone.


If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, the Papyrus HOPELINE advisers are trained to help young people stay safe. Call 0800 068 4141, text or email for support. Go to the Papyrus website.


Free, confidential text message support, 24/7. Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 to start a conversation with a trained volunteer. Go to the Shout website.


If you need someone to talk to, they listen. They won't judge or tell you what to do. Call 116 123 to speak to someone for free. Go to the Samaritans website.


You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, it's better out than in. Call 0800 1111 for free to speak to a Childline counsellor. Go to the Childline website.

More mental health support

As well as talking to your friends, family or GP if you aren’t feeling great, there are some great sources of support and information online. Whether you want to chat to other young people anonymously, speak with a trained mental health adviser or counsellor, or just do some research into ways you can improve your wellbeing.

The Mix

As well as providing loads of essential info and some great apps for under 25s, you can also access free counselling, 121 support and support groups. Go to The Mix website.

Young Minds

Youth mental health support and information for both you and your parents/carers, including real-life stories from young people. Go to the Young Minds website.


A judgement-free forum to get advice, help others and share your story. Access support from other young people and professionals at your own pace. Go to the Kooth website.

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) 

You can call CALM on 0800 58 58 58 (5pm–midnight every day) if you are struggling and need to talk. They also have a webchat service. Go to the CALM website.


Beat offers support for eating disorders either for yourself or somone you’re worried about. Call 0808 801 0432 (3pm-8pm Mon-Fri), webchat or email. Go to the Beat website.


Togetherall is an anonymous online mental health support service which is available 24/7. It is free to anyone living in the Scottish Borders. Go to the Togetherall website.


The national mental health charity, Mind, has a wealth of information and advice. They also have an online peer support service and helpine. Go to the Mind website.


If you identify as LGBT+, you can call Switchboard on 0300 330 0630 (10am–10pm every day). Phone operators all identify as LGBT+. Go to the Switchboard website.

Self-harm Network Scotland

Self-Harm Network Scotland provides free compassionate support, resources, and information about self-harm. You can chat to one of their team from 6pm–10pm, 7 days a week. Go to the Self-harm Network Scotland website.

Scottish Borders Rape Crisis Centre

Survivors of sexual violence will be listened to, believed, and supported. Self-identifying females aged 18+ can access their Sunrise service and all young people of any gender/gender identity aged 12-18 can access the Unity service.

Their highly trained (and lovely) team stand alongside survivors, so you can take things at your own pace and they will never put pressure on you to disclose the details of your experience, unless you choose to. Go to Borders Rape Crisis Centre website.


Sex and Relationships

When it comes to sex and relationships, we want you to have all the information you need to have happy, healthy relationships and a safe, positive sex life - when the time is right for YOU.


Good sex is safe sex! We give out free condoms and other safe sex products through the NHS c:card scheme. Just ask a youth worker - no names, no judgement.

Borders Sexual Health Centre

All Borders sexual health clinics offer a free and confidential service to everyone regardless of age, sexuality or gender expression. The specialist team provides contraception and sexual health testing, treatment, and advice. To find your nearest clinic go to the Borders Sexual Health Centre website.


If you want honest and inclusive sex ed, Fumble create engaging digital content on intimacy, relationships, health and wellbeing for young people of all identities and sexualities. This is NOT like school sex ed! Go to the Fumble website.

The Mix

You’ll find info and support on everything from consent and coping with break ups to falling in love and exploring your sexuality. Go to the Mix website.


Alcohol and Drugs

While more young people than ever are choosing to enjoy life sober, it’s also normal to want to experiment with alcohol and/or drugs. Just remember, knowledge is power!

The more you know, the better decisions you’ll make, the safer you and your friends will be, and the better night you’ll have.

So take a look at some of these websites, and remember there is support available if you want to change your alcohol or drug habits.

Crew 2000

This awesome Scottish charity has all the judgement-free info you need on the pros and cons of any drugs you might come across. They’ve also got lots of sound advice on keeping you and your pals safe on a night out. Go to the Crew 2000 website.

Talk to Frank

Want honest information about drugs? Talk to Frank! You’ll find a full A-Z of drugs, along with helpful advice on emergencies, resisting peer pressure and getting help if you or a friend needs it. You can get in touch 24/7 by calling 0300 123 6600, texting 82111 or emailing Go to the Talk to Frank website.

Drink Aware

Drinkaware is an independent charity which aims to reduce alcohol-related harm by helping you make better choices about your drinking, or support someone else. They offer facts and advice on loads of drink-related topics. Go to the Drink Aware website.

We Are With You

Get free, confidential support with drugs, alcohol and mental health. You can talk to them online, find local support or read useful advice on how to change your habits, or talk to someone you’re worried about. Go to the We Are With You website.


The Scottish Borders CHIMES Service offers emotional support and access to funding for respite activities to young carers and children affected by parental substance use. Call them on 01896 750 173 or Go to the CHIMES website.

Ash Scotland

If you want more information about smoking or vaping, you’ll find loads of interesting facts and stats. You can also access help and support to quit. Go to the Ash Scotland website.


Crime and Safety

Call 999 if you are reporting a crime that is in progress or if someone is in immediate danger.

You can report crimes online or by calling 101 if they are not an emergency.

You can also call 101 to give information to the police or make an enquiry.


You can report a crime 100% anonymously by calling 0800 555 111 or by going to the Crimestoppers website.

Victim Support Scotland

They provide free information, emotional support and practical assistance to help people affected by crime, including victims, witnesses and their families and friends. Call their Support Helpline on 0800 160 1985 or got to the Victim Support Scotland website.

Scottish Borders Rape Crisis Centre

Survivors of sexual violence will be listened to, believed, and supported. Self-identifying females aged 18+ can access their Sunrise service and all young people of any gender/gender identity aged 12-18 can access the Unity service.

Their highly trained (and lovely) team stand alongside survivors, so you can take things at your own pace and they will never put pressure on you to disclose the details of your experience, unless you choose to. Go to Borders Rape Crisis Centre website.


If you are LGBTQIA+ and have experienced violence or abuse, you can get support from Galop. As well as contacting their helpline 0800 999 5428, you can email at any time and join their online community of survivors. Go to the Galop website.


Whether you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, non-binary, questioning or somewhere else on the gender and sexuality spectrum, you are safe with us. We will respect your identity and sexual orientation, and work to be the best allies we can be. You can also find support and info below.

LGBT Youth Scotland

If you are LGBTQ+ or questioning your identity, you can find lots of info and support both online and in their inclusive community spaces. Involve is a group for 13-25 year olds in the Scottish Borders, meeting in Selkirk every week. Go to the LGBT Youth Scotland website.


Supporting trans, non-binary and gender-diverse children, young people and their families, through campaining, online info and their helpline. Call 0808 801 0400 Monday–Friday 9am–9pm. Go to the Mermaids website.

LGBT Health and Wellbeing

Scotland’s health and wellbeing charity for LGBTQ+ adults aged 16+. Call their helpine on 0800 464 7000 or email Go to the LGBT Health and Wellbeing website.



The world needs all kinds of brains! Neurodiverse young people have so many amazing strengths and skills. That’s not to say there aren’t challenges too, so getting the right support is super important. And remember, it’s the world that needs to change, not you.

Borders Additional Needs Group (BANG)

BANG supports ASN young people and their families via a dedicated ASN Family Liaison Worker providing weekly peer parent support and their youth programme for young people aged 11-24 years of age. Go to the Borders Additional Needs Group website.

Scottish Autism

Supporting autistic individuals to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. Call the the Autism Advice Line on 01259 222 022 Tuesday–Friday, 10am-4pm. Go to the Scottish Autism website.

The ADHD Foundation

The ADHD Foundation is the UK’s leading neurodiversity charity, offering a strength-based, lifespan service for the 1 in 5 of us who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, DCD, Dyscalculia, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome and more. Go to The ADHD Foundation website.

Autistic Girls Network

Supporting autistic girls and non-binary young people in finding their identity and feeling understood. They can signpost you to support networks, organisations and resources and provide a safe space to ask questions, raise concerns and share experiences. Go to the Autistic Girls Network website.


Young People's Rights

Young people’s rights are human rights - and are protected under Scottish law for all children aged under 18.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) set out all of your rights.

Your rights cover all aspects of your life, including your rights to:

  • education,

  • freedom from violence, abuse and neglect,

  • be listened to and taken seriously,

  • a proper house, food and clothing, and

  • relax and play.

You can find your full list of rights here.

If you feel your rights are not being upheld, please talk to a member of the team or another trusted adult. We can help.


Support for parents

Being the parent/carer of a young person isn’t easy! Parents need support too, so whether you talk to us or one of the services below, please know you’re not alone and that there are people who care and want to help support your family.

Children 1st

Children 1st supports children and families across Scotland in their homes, schools, local communities. You can call their Parentline on 08000 28 22 33 free, browse their website for advice and support, or start a webchat. Go to the Children 1st website.

One Parent Families Scotland

Offering support and advice for single parents includes information about benefits and tax credits, childcare, separation, work, child maintenance and more. Call the Lone Parent Helpline on 0333 256 1742. Go to the One Parent Families Scotland website.

Young Minds

If you're worried about your child or young person’s mental health or wellbeing, you can speak to Young Minds over the phone for free on 0808 802 5544 or via online chat. Go to the Young Minds website.