It’s not always easy being the parent or carer of a young person. We’re here to help.
If you think your young person could benefit from being a part of Tweeddale Youth Action - whether that’s coming along to drop-ins or groups, working one-to-one with a youth worker or maybe joining Food Punks (16+ only) - please get in touch yourself or simply send them our way!
We require parents or carers of young people aged under 16 to fill out a membership form on their behalf.
The information you give is securely stored at our youth clubs as well as digitally on our secure server and allows us to contact you in case of an emergency. Any information you give on allergies or medical needs enables us to undertake robust risk assessments and ensure everybody is included and able to take part in activities safely.
Tweeddale Youth Action has a robust Child Protection Policy and procedures in place and all staff and volunteers are disclosed through the PVG scheme as well as undertaking appropriate training on child protection.
We work from a non-judgemental harm reduction viewpoint and youth workers do talk about sex, relationships, alcohol, drugs, violence, mental health and other issues that affect young people. We neither condemn nor condone risk-taking behaviour, and believe that young people need as much impartial information as possible in order to make smart decisions.
If you’re looking for support when it comes to the wellbeing of your young person, check out our Need Support? page or please get in touch with us for a chat.
If you have any questions, concerns or would like to know more about who we are and what we do, please don’t hesitate to speak to us.